011 753 2796 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 7 Malan Street, Westonaria
Products and service
Best in class
Number #1
Chemical Supplier in the region
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Superior quality products

It is our policy!

Best in class service

You can count on us

BEE Compliant

A fair representation of the demographics of South Africa


Jordan Chemicals was founded in 1994 and started doing business under the name CJ Chemicals trading as “The Soap Shop”.

Jordan Chemicals was operated as a sole proprietary business since 1997 and was transformed into a private company in 2012.Through organized and controlled methods of management. Jordan Chemicals expanded from the initial home based operation into a medium sized establishment.

We are BEE compliant and our staff compliment is a fair representation of the demographics of South Africa.


Customer satisfaction is everything to the company and this philosophy has become a way of life for all our employees. We believe that maintaining high standards in all aspects of our operations is the key to achieve customer satisfaction. Our long-term customers have remained loyal because they know they can rely on consistently high product quality, responsive service and on-time delivery. Jordan Chemicals will continue to strive to outperform our competitors in the market place.


 Jordan Chemicals manufactures a wide range of cleaning chemicals to meet the requirements and specific need of our customers. We also supply necessary cleaning accessories to meet our customers’ requirements. We also supply a wide range of SABS approved chemicals.

Jordan Chemicals further operates a retail store for direct supply to the public, which is conveniently located at our manufacturing premises.


It is our policy to provide a superior standard of products and service to our customers.


We have the privilege of rendering our services to a variety of markets such as:

Motor Engineering Industries

Jordan Chemicals’ Motor engineering applications are aimed at giving the company a competitive edge in the automotive market.


Construction Companies

We provides a comprehensive range of products and techniques to create value for the construction industry and support sustainable development.

Mining Industries

High quality material produced by Jordan Chemicals, backed by the support of our experts to fulfill a wide range of mining applications in the market.


We render services to both private and public hospitals.



Government Institutions

Jordan Chemicals are proud suppliers of products to Government Institutions and we provide wide range of products in this industry.